John Harasimo
New Day, New Smile!
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The Thousand Year Man - Book of PRIZOM
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What the book is about:

      People fear many things in life. Pain and death probably top the list; however, there are countless other fears that convince us to play it safe. We stop short from taking one more step because of a fear of the unknown, or the possibility of what might lurk around the next corner. We all keep a collection of personal fears hidden inside our souls, and are often haunted to some degree by their existence. But there is only one fear that haunts EVERY one of us throughout our lives... the fear of never knowing LOVE.

Available Formats:

     Hard Back - 6 x 9 with Dust Jacket

     Soft Back - 6 x 9

     Ebook - Kindle, Nook, and all other Ebook readers.